PSC Exam Support Nepal

Banking Exam Question - What are the NRB Directives about Provision of Mutilated currency Policy? Explain

Introduction - Destruction of Mutilated currency policy
Banks can exchange some mangled money for customers. Typically, badly soiled, dirty, defaced, disintegrated, and torn bills can be exchanged through your local bank, if more than half of the original note remains. These notes would be exchanged through your bank and processed by the  Reserve Bank.

If it's ripped into two pieces, tape them back together and take the bill to a bank, where they will make sure the serial numbers on both sides of the note match and give you a new one. As long as three-quarters of a bill are intact, you can exchange it for a whole bill.
Any note with the fire, if the fire comes polished, dried, dried, fluttered with water, or other reasons, it is not fit to buy a clean note instead of sleep, instead of completing the necessary administrative process, Instead, to make a claim for filing for recruitment, 

If no notice was given for the replacement of a note, the missing note was given to the applicant's proof, Note that the rate and group number of the note can not be considered part less than 50 percent of the notes, or instead of the notice of the condition that can be repeated for repeating,

It should be decided within 40 days after the claiming officer should decide for the replacement of 35 days after the claim was submitted. If the claimant does not understand within 120 days, then the bank should pay for his account,
Unsolved, instead of condemning the cited notes, unpaid claiming claims, and instead of submitting such notes, instead of submitting a note,

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