PSC Exam Support Nepal

PSC Exam Question - What is Money Laundering? What are it's Types & Nature? Explain

Introduction - Money Laundering
Money laundering is the process of creating the appearance that large amounts of money obtained from criminal activity, such as drug trafficking or terrorist activity, originated from a legitimate source. Money laundering is the process of transforming the profits of crime and corruption into ostensibly "legitimate" assets.

Money Laundering is the way toward changing the benefits of wrongdoing and defilement into apparently "real" assets. In various legitimate and administrative frameworks, notwithstanding, the term illegal tax avoidance has moved toward becoming conflated with different types of monetary and business wrongdoing, and is here and there utilized all the more by and large to incorporate abuse of the budgetary framework (including things, for example, securities, advanced monetary forms, Visas, and customary cash), including psychological oppression financing and avoidance of global sanctions. Most against tax evasion laws straightforwardly conflate tax evasion (which is worried about wellspring of assets) with fear based oppression financing (which is worried about goal of assets) when managing the money related system.
A few nations characterize illegal tax avoidance as jumbling wellsprings of cash, either deliberately or by only utilizing monetary frameworks or administrations that don't distinguish or track sources or goals. Different nations characterize illegal tax avoidance so as to incorporate cash from movement that would have been a wrongdoing in that nation, regardless of whether the action was legitimate where the real direct happened.

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