PSC Exam Support Nepal

Banking Exam Question - What are the Act/Provision Regarding Banks and Financial Institutions not Allowed to do? Explain

Introduction - Banks and financial institutions not allowed to do
According to the Bank and Bank of India, according to the Act, 2073, the licensed entity should not do the following work,
  1. To sell or sell real estate except for the purpose of business purposes, to buy real estate except for the purpose of business, but to sell, distribute, and manage the purchase of the house in relation to conducting its work business under Section 47 and licensed entities licensed organizations. The section has not been obstructed.
  2. To make a loan on the security of your share,
  3. Providing a loan or facility to the firm, company or entity that has the right to nominee or appoint the person, executive head or family members or operator of founder, conductor, one percent or more share of paid capital,
  4. The founder, conductor, a person who has a percentage of paid capital shares or more shares, executive head or any firm company or organization with the financial interest of the firm, company, or entity, who has the right to honor the family member or managing agent or conductor To provide kind of loan or convenience,
  5. Providing a loan or facility to be more than a percentage set by the same customer, company, one group of companies or partnership firm, by the national bank of their capital,
  6. Founder, conductor or executive chief bail, pay any kind of loan to any person, firm, company or institution.

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