PSC Exam Support Nepal

Banking Exam Question - What are the NRB Punishment Regarding Problematic Banks & Financial Institution? Explain

Introduction - NRB Punishment Regarding Problematic Banks & Financial Institution
Company Ann and others, if the nation bank declares that any commerce bank or financial institution is problematic Regarding the management of commerce banks or financial institutions, even if anything was written in the prevailing law. With regard to the control of the company or the concerned commerce bank or the financial institution.You can order the following or any action against the following:
  1. To increase the payment rate by issuing a new share or for the remaining payment to continue the payment of the capital Lifting,
  2. Stakeholders' franchise or other rights suspension according to the requirement,
  3. To make capital increase, to distribute dividend or other funds to the shareholders for a fixed period Prevention,
  4. Bonus, remuneration, indemnity and other funds to be given to the executives and other higher officials Distribution limit,
  5. Consumer banking, financial control, internal control and proper management of risk management Arrangement,
  6. Acceptance of deposits, ban on debt flow or investment or set a boundary limit,
  7. To maintain capital adequacy and liquidity ratio or restrict business business Or other necessary terms,
  8. To restrict trade of commerce banks or financial institutions or to sell merchants or to expand branches
  9. To stop or stop a home or any branch office of the country, Properties of suspicious properties and assets that are not literally archived, are assets or other assets
  10. To provide necessary arrangements for risk,
  11. To make necessary arrangements for reducing the prevailing law and bankruptcy, Application to remove their name from the commodities market to the commerce banks or financial institutions listed in the mortgage market Day to day,
  12. Consumer periods of loan and interest in the interest of commerce or financial institutions Ban,

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