PSC Exam Support Nepal

PSC Section Officer Level - Third Paper - Contemporary Issue - New Exam Question 207412/26

PSC - Officer Level - Third Paper - Contemporary Issue - New Exam Question 207412/26

Public Service Commission
Officer Level 
Third Paper: contemporary Issue
Date: 2074/12/26

Section A
1. Describe the various forms of organized crime in an explanatory description. The activities of property purification are promoting this type of crime? Explain the existing legal structures for the prevention and control of such crime in Nepal. (3 + 3 + 4 = 10)
2. Give a brief introduction to the cultural diversity of Nepal. What program can be effective to conserve and promote the cultural diversity of Nepal? 5 + 5 = 10
3. Criticize comment on the Population Policy of the Government of Nepal. 10

Section B
4. What should be done to make its use in Nepal by considering the public partnership? Suggestion 2 + 8 = 10
5. What are the views of the economic crisis of Nepal's foreign policy? How are the Nepalese foreign diplomats working in implementing economic dynamics in the International Development Cooperation Framework? Light up 4 + 6 = 10

Section C
6. Critically evaluate the use of some of the main sources of natural development in Nepal.
7. Local Autonomous Governance is the basis of political system and development. Think about it. 10
8. What is the meaning of globalization? Analyze the role of globalization in the economic development of developing countries like Nepal. 2 + 8 = 10

Section D
9. What is Renewable Energy? Also discuss about the renewable energy sources in Nepal. To what extent did the sources mentioned to solve the energy crisis in Nepal? Submit your accounting. 2 + 4 + 4 = 10
10. Write a short note about the bottom.
a. Biological diversity
b. Waste waste management
c. Caravan Business

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